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air marshal 〔英國〕空軍中將。

The number of air marshals is classified . in a news release , the department said its reorganization will “ make available more than 5 , 000 additional armed federal law enforcement agents to the skies . 國家有關部門已對空中警衛員進行了分類。安全部門在新聞發布會上表示,這次重組可以向航運部門增加5000名聯邦政府武裝執法人員。

He added that there will be what he described as “ enhanced air marshal work “ on trans - atlantic flights , with special attention to britain 他又補充到他將闡述在跨越大西洋的航班上會“加強空軍警備工作” ,特別要注意到英國的航班。

He added that there will be what he described as “ enhanced air marshal work “ on trans - atlantic flights , with special attention to britain 他補充道,跨大西洋航班上將配備他所說的“增強空警” ,對英國航班予以特別關注。

Tell the captain air marshal carlin says , “ go fuck yourself . 去告訴那個上校,空軍中將卡林說: “給我滾開這里”

air mass

These new measures are in addition to significant increases in aviation security implemented since september 11 such as reinforced cockpit doors , deployment of federal air marshals , enhanced federalized baggage and passenger screening and armed federal flight deck officers piloting some jetliners 這些新措施是對9 ? 11事件以來大力增強的航空安全的進一步加強,已采取的措施包括加固駕駛艙門,部署空中警員,安排聯邦雇員加強對行李和乘客的檢查,以及由攜帶武器的聯邦駕駛艙飛行官(

The number of air marshals is classified . in a news release , the department said its reorganization will “ make available more than 5 , 000 additional armed federal law enforcement agents to the skies . 國家有關部門已對空中警衛員進行了分類。安全部門在新聞發布會上表示,這次重組可以向航運部門增加5000名聯邦政府武裝執法人員。

U . s . air marshals have been accompanying u . s . - bound flights since a plot to blow up airliners between the united states and britain was uncovered last august in london 美國空中乘警已隨同美國- -飛往美國的航班,因為去年8月在倫敦預謀著炸毀美國至英國的航線。

U . s . air marshals have been accompanying u . s . - bound flights since a plot to blow up airliners between the united states and britain was uncovered last august in london 自從去年八月倫敦識破爆炸美英之間航班的陰謀之后,美國越境的飛機一直有空警陪伴。

U . s . air marshals have been accompanying u . s . - bound flights since a plot to blow up airliners between the united states and britain was uncovered last august in london 自去年8月在倫敦發現一起美英航線的炸機預謀后,美國越境航班就一直配備空警。

He added that there will be what he described as “ enhanced air marshal work “ on trans - atlantic flights , with special attention to britain 他又補充到他將闡述在跨越大西洋的航班上會“加強空軍警備工作” ,特別要注意到英國的航班。

He added that there will be what he described as “ enhanced air marshal work “ on trans - atlantic flights , with special attention to britain 他補充道,跨大西洋航班上將配備他所說的“增強空警” ,對英國航班予以特別關注。

Tell the captain air marshal carlin says , “ go fuck yourself . 去告訴那個上校,空軍中將卡林說: “給我滾開這里”

He was an air marshal before retirement 他退休前是空軍中將。

What about the air marshal who tasered me ? was he in on it 那么那個電我的空警呢?他也是?

The number of air marshals is classified 國家有關部門已對空中警衛員進行了分類。

The second was a group of vociferous air marshales . 第二股勢力是一批氣壯如牛的空軍元帥。